Transformations and morals background
Parish newsletter article as background for this sermon . For this month’s article, I am focusing on a secular topic rather than share a theological or spiritual perspective. With Lent approaching, there are some things around our view of morality that we need to think about. In my March 2 nd sermon, I will mention/have mentioned a book called The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt. Dr. Haidt is a moral psychologist who has studied and developed theories on what morals are, what they mean, and how we adopt or change them. This was a book that Father Andrew started to read last fall and recommended it to me, and we read it at the same time. It is a very good introduction to morality based on research and it takes attentive reading to capture everything in it. Most of the moral concepts have Judeo-Christian roots, so they were familiar to me and easily applicable to moral teaching in the Jewish and Christian scriptures. This book has added another dimension to my understanding...