How many loaves does it take to feed 5,000 people?
9th Sunday after Pentecost sermon delivered at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Louisville, KY Text: John 6:1-21 This story of Jesus feeding the five thousand is the only miracle (or as John describes it, a sign) that appears in all four Gospels. And with a few variations, nearly all of the details are the same in all four Gospels. This similarity is significant, because the Gospel of John was written completely separately from the Gospel of Mark, and separately from Matthew and Luke who were reading Mark as they wrote their Gospels. This story was already a meaningful part of the life of the church in the years that the Gospels were written, and it was a way of telling the world who Jesus was. This story opens chapter 6 of John’s Gospel, which is so important to us now that we will read it for the next four Sundays as an interruption to reading through Mark’s Gospel this year. It is about Jesus, and bread, and much, much more. The story opens by telling us that the disciples, faced w...