3 salvations and a wedding
Sermon for the second Sunday in Epiphany, delivered at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Louisville, KY Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 , John 2:1-11 Jesus and his mother are at a wedding. The conversation between them is actually funny, in the same way that the preceding paragraph in John’s gospel is. In that passage, which we didn’t read, Phillip finds Nathaniel under a tree, and tells him about this guy Jesus, from Nazareth, and what he has been teaching. Nathaniel quips, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” So, I imagine that Jesus’ and his mother’s conversation went something like this: Mary: Oh no, they’ve run out of wine, and the party just got started. Jesus: Maybe they miscounted invitations. Mary: You know, you could make more wine for them. Jesus: I’m not ready, and besides, I’m just a guest here. I’m not the main attraction. Mary - to a steward: Listen, my son can fix your wine problem, just bring him those jars. Jesus: Mom! What did I just say? Mary: Show me some honor, so...